down and dirty

Down and dirty

The carpet was pretty shot and I figured that the floor pans underneath would be in tough shape due to the leaking cowl.


Making her perty

The old carpet was extremely worn, so the first job was to take the seats out and strip down to the floor.

Making her perty

This is the view from the trunk after the old carpet was removed.

Making her perty

The passenger side area looks rough.

Making her perty

So does the drivers side.

Making her perty

I covered up as much as possible and went to work.

Making her perty

The rear area after the first go with the steel brush. I used a power drill with a wirebrush, because I did not have an angle-grinder then. I ended up having to buy one later in order to take out the leaf springs.

Making her perty

Drivers side after cleaning.

Making her perty

Some through holes, but not really bad.

Making her perty

After manually cleaning as much as possible, I applied rust converter and two layers of primer.

Making her perty

The trunk area.

Making her perty

I patched the areas where the rust went through to seal the interior and to distribute the weight. As I had no welder, I riveted the repair panels in place.

Making her perty

Drivers side with the paint coat applied.

Making her perty


Making her perty

A new set of insulation to keep the vibrations low and the noise out.

Making her perty

And new carpet.

Making her perty

Making her perty

Next on the list was the interior.

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