wieviele cheeseburger?


Some specs and other info that I collected.


Wiring diagram 1*

Wiring diagram for a 1966 Mustang part 1. (tif/160kB)

Wiring diagram 2*

Wiring diagram for a 1966 Mustang part 2. (tif/170kB)

Accessories wiring diagram*

Another wiring diagram showing the 1966 Mustang accessory connections. (jpg/280kB)

ALPINE CDE-9872 User Manual**

The user guide to the radio I have installed. (pdf/2.9MB)

Carburetor specs**

2-barrel carburetor adjustment instruction & specs. (pdf/1.4MB)

Replacement part list

Excel sheet with all parts that I either considered or bought as of June 2009. (xls/340kB)

Overview of various tiresizes

I made this Excel sheet to see how different tires would fill my fenders. (xls/20kB)

Don Taylor & Tom Wilson Mustang Restoration Handbook HP books

This is a link to info about the restauration book I got. It helped me a lot and I can recommend it. The Haynes book is helpful for general maintenance, but overall rather disappointing. (link)

How to live with (and enjoy) your vintage Mustang on the street

One of many good articles about improvement projects featured in Mustang Monthly. (link)

Mustang Unlimited
CJ Pony Parts
Mustang Plus
California Mustang

Aside from my local Autozone and Advanced Auto Parts stores, I used the companies on the left for my part orders. Their prices differ sometimes; Mustang Unlimited seems to deliver the fastest (then again, they are the closest to me). CSRP supplies disc-brake conversion kits and they are great. Delivered in a few days, great installation manual and helpful people when you call. (links)

65-73 VIN Decoder

I found this site looking for a way to decode my VIN plate. (link)

Tom Corcoran Mustang 1964 1/2-1968 Muscle Car Color History

A search-link for a book that I owned way before the Mustang. It is nicely done and has great pictures. (link)

'Shelby/Arning drop' drill template

I 'dropped' my upper control arm to get better handling. Here is the template that I used. (pdf/220kB)

Taillight liner templates

Template to use if you want to cut liners for your non-reflecting taillight housings. (pdf/220kB)

* The material marked this way I found somewhere on the Internet. I am not sure about the origin, but if you are the copyright owner and want me to take it down, please let me know.
** These are (scanned) instructions for parts I bought. Again, if you are the copyright owner and want me to take it down, please let me know.

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