Elated PageKits
This is the README file for the Elated PageKit: "Hilite"
Design Created in Photoshop CS3 and Panic's Coda.
Fonts used: Arial
Please see the Copyright and Usage Agreement
sections at the end of this file for copyright information
and terms of use.
The idea behind the Elated PageKits is that you can either use the ideas here as is, and develop them from our startpoints, or you can take the bits that you need and customise them for your own use. We hope you'll also find the PageKits educational. Obviously, to make the best use of them you'll need to know some basic HTML.
You should be able to edit the PageKits in a wide range of web editors like Dreamweaver and FrontPage, though all will behave in different ways. An image editor will also be useful (e.g. Adobe Photoshop)
About This PageKit
This PageKit uses CSS for its elegant layout, and the only images in the design are the photos and the background gradients for the page background and pink box. It's easy to change the highlight colour (hence the name!) for the PageKit using mostly just the CSS.
All the positioning and design elements are contained within the two style sheets in the "css" folder. One creates the layout and colours (style.css), and one deals only with the menu (style_menu.css). The HTML files only contain basic markup and content, making for a nice clean HTML page to edit when adding content.
Hints & Tips
The font size and face are controlled by a style sheet linked
to from the pages (style.css). If you want to change all this open up style.css in a text editor (eg Notepad) and edit the code to be whatever you want for colours, links etc, being careful to preserve the syntax.
All the gradients for the PageKit are single-pixel wide images, created in Photoshop and exported as Gif files. These provide a sense of depth and swankiness to the design. To change them, you'll need to create new images witha different gradient. The easiest way to do that is to open the original Photoshop files available for download from the ELATED site and re-colour the existing gradients before cropping and exporting new images.
The menu is created from a standard HTML list element. All the styling is managed from within the CSS.
You can find help modifying the PageKits at:
...is at our Forums on the Elated site at http://www.elated.com/forums/
Forums powered by Teemz - http://www.teemz.com/
The contents of this PageKit, including all HTML and images,
is copyright Elated Communications Ltd 1997-2007.
Usage Agreement
By downloading any of the material from our site, http://www.elated.com/,
you agree to abide by the conditions of the Usage Agreement,
available online at:
"The User (that's you!) may use the Content for producing their own personal websites, or websites for their own business, provided the websites belong to the User, and that the User does not imply that they created the Content or that they claim any ownership of copyright over the Content. The Content may not be used to produce material that is obscene, racist, pornographic or otherwise of an adult nature.
The User may modify and use the Content for their own use. The User may not use the Content to produce derivative work for a third party.
For example, if you're a business wanting to use a PageKit or some of the images in the ImageKits for your own bar/bookshop/restaurant etc, then that's fine, even if you're taking money over the site. What's not fine is if you're a web designer using any of the PageKits, ImageKits or other Elated content to produce a website for a client, whether you're getting paid for it or not.
If you're a web designer, you may not use any of the Content (e.g. a PageKit) to produce your web design site, or claim that any of the Content was produced by you, or use any of the Content as "examples" of your work.
Redistributing the Content, or any portion thereof, in any form, under any name, on its own or with other products (commercial or otherwise), without the prior written permission of Elated is forbidden.
The User may not redistribute any part of the Content on another website, on a CD-ROM, or on any other form of media without the prior written permission of Elated.
The User may not sell, rent, or lease the Content to any individual or organization."
And Finally...
There are many more Kits of varying kinds as well as some
Web Design tips at our website:
We don't really offer tech support for the PageKits as we
are constantly busy with updating the site, but we do want
them to be a good as possible for you all, so if you run into
problems or have any other questions relating to the PageKits,
you can use our ELATED.com Site Help Forum at:
Search for your PageKits question there, or post a new question
and we'll do our best to help you. It's free to register and
post questions!
Have fun and see you on the site.
Best wishes,
Elated Team.
Love Your Site